North Star Games strongly supports the voice of black people, who have been systematically targeted by our police, the judicial system, and continually short-thrifted in all aspects of our socio-political system. On May 25th, George Floyd was murdered by a policeman while 3 other officers stood by. This type of event happens with sickening regularity and has been happening in our country for our entire lives. Things need to change, and they need to change in a dramatic way.
Posting our support is a nice step, but it is not enough. The time for action is long past due.
North Star Games is committed to making a difference, however small, by adhering to the following. We will continue to depict diverse characters in all our published games. We will actively look for minority illustrators and designers; people of color, women, or from other underrepresented segments of the population. We have not considered this in the past, and that needs to change. We will increase our commitment to hire a diverse workforce. We have not gone far enough with the endeavor. And finally, we will create a mentorship program to help local underrepresented people get better at designing games, starting with a black designer. We will post the details shortly.
Our lateness in posting a message does not come from a lack of resolve. To the contrary, we have been considering how to have a lasting impact, with a lack of means. Black lives matter. Justice and opportunity must be dispensed equally, and proof of a job well done should be measured by economic prosperity across all segments of society. While we don't have much financial or political weight to throw around, we want to do what we can to promote the amplification of POC creators' voice and art.
~ The NorthStar Team