Paint the Roses
Two key factors that allowed me to become a game designer with a career in the board game industry (Paint the Roses #6)
This is the sixth post in a series about our upcoming game Paint the Roses, written by the game’s designer, Ben Goldman. I went to art school for graphic design, where I spent as much time designing board games as graphics. Games were how I slacked off. It turned out to...
A new way to visualize game rules, as a network of ideas (Paint the Roses #5)
This is the fifth post in a series about our upcoming game Paint the Roses, written by the game’s designer, Ben Goldman. Nothing keeps people from playing games more than having to learn rules. Imagine how many fewer movies we’d watch if we had to read an instruction manual before watching...
What can dictators teach us about game design? (Paint the Roses #4)
This is the fourth post in a series about our upcoming Alice-in-Wonderland-themed game Paint the Roses. The Dictator's Handbook, by Alastair Smith and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, has a simple proposition: a ruler’s position determines his behavior more than you’d think. What looks like bad behavior from the outside is...
Feedback wanted for a key component in our next game (Paint the Roses #3)
This is the third post in a series about our upcoming Alice-in-Wonderland-themed game Paint the Roses.As we design components for Paint the Roses, we hope readers can help us get one key component right: a sculpted Queen of Hearts who spends the game trying to behead you. We want to...
How to fix the biggest problem in cooperative games (Paint the Roses #2)
This is the second post in a series about our upcoming game Paint the Roses, written by the game’s designer, Ben Goldman. Ask any gamer what the biggest problem with cooperative games is, and they’ll tell you it’s quarterbacking. Quarterbacking is when one player who knows the game well tells...
Why I designed a logic game set in the illogical world of Alice in Wonderland (Paint the Roses #1)
Prototype box art for Paint the Roses This is the first post in a series about our upcoming game Paint the Roses, written by the game’s designer, Ben Goldman. Why has Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland endured? It was published in 1865, the year the American Civil War ended. But we’re...
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